Tuesday, September 27, 2011

LA 5 - Adjusting Levels


 This is a frangipani tree that grows out the back of our place. I decreased the brightness a little, reduced the contrast and increased the saturation slightly to get the sky bluer and the left hand flowers look not so burnt out.



Above is a shot I took a few weeks ago at the end of our street in Fannie Bay, at about 6.45 in the evening. It is lacking in detail in the sand and generally just looks a bit too dark. I increased the brightness and reduced the contrast to get some detail and light.

Monday, September 26, 2011

LA 4 - Cropping an Image

Before, with crooked horizon

I took the shot on the left in Bol, Croatia on a trip to Europe in 2009. It's a subtle change between the two so I thought I should explain: I didn't notice at the time that the horizon was quite off kilter. I had been trawling through my Flickr account for images to crop and noticed it then. I had previously watched an episode of Adobe TV where the Rotate View tool was used to help correct a crooked horizon and applied the process here. Although the aspect ratio of the shot is a little different it's an improvement.

The cropped version: with the help of the Rotate View tool.

Hobart from Mt Wellington, but this picture is mostly trees.
And now Hobart is framed by trees but is more a feature of the photo.

Jenny is surrounded by a lot of space
Changing the orientation of the picture by cropping out all that space on either side

Not a strong shot with  all those distracting people in the background
A vast improvement, with space for the man to ride into on the left

Friday, September 23, 2011

Blog Promo

This little e-banner is the warmth and comfort of a cup of tea in visual form.
I wanted the eye to travel in a familiar left-to-right progression over the text and draw the eye from along and progressively down the page, ending in the url. The background is in a calming, soft shade of pink, which is also the complement of my favourite particular shade of mint green. The picture is friendly-looking and hand drawn, which I hope looks inviting.